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Live-HCM and Live-LQTS Study invitation

Do you want to be involved in an international study?
Are you gene positive or have a clinical diagnosis for HCM or LQTS?
Are you registered with CIDG and live in the Auckland/Northland area?
Are you aged between 8 and 60 years?

This is your opportunity to join an international research collaboration looking at activity in participants 8 – 60 years of ago with either Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).

The study involves wearing the fit bit and filling in a research questionnaire on line every six months. You can use the fitbit constantly to monitor your activity or use it intermittently depending on your lifestyle. The study runs over a three year period throughout the world and the fitbit is yours to keep, as a thank you for taking part.

Participants will be enrolled on a first come, first served basis.

If you are keen to take part: email us on or call us on 09 3074949 ext 23634 and leave your details.